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  • Writer's pictureNathan Stockford

How do I set up Web Analytics?

Updated: Sep 2, 2020

Starting of with web analytics can seem confusing at first, but if you follow Nimbus steps below it should be a smooth transition. First you will need the following:

  1. Access to your websites page templates

  2. Create an account on Google Tag Manager

  3. Create an account on Google Analytics

Step 2 isn't always needed and if you want to skip Google Tag Manager then you can simply use Google Analytics. However, I would recommend using Google Tag Manager, as this will make future improvements easier.

Google Tag Manager acts as a container on your website, this container will house your analytics pixel codes delivering them to the page. A pixel is a short piece of code used for website implementations.

Google Analytics is the main part of this and what will allow you to start reporting on your website data.

Installing Google Tag Manager

As I mention Google Tag Manager is the best solution but will require some extra steps. Start with creating your own account on Google Tag Manager, once this is created you will be sent to the main dashboard. From here you will want to find your GTM Container tag by following the below steps:

  1. Click "admin" in the top nav.

  2. Click "Install Google Tag Manager"

  3. Copy both pieces of code to a text file and ensure you have the comments in the text file for each piece of code.

  4. Copy the first block of code as high in the <head> of your websites page template as possible.

  5. Copy the second block of code immediately after the <body> tag in your page template.

Some website builders have specific settings that can make this simpler, check with your service help section on step 4 and 5 as you may just need the GTM ID (GTM-XXXXXX)

Installing Google Analytics using Google Tag Manager

Once Google Tag Manager is on your website, go to the main page and click "add a new tag".

Click on the Tag Configuration Box and select the "Google Analytics Universal Analytics" button.

Do not change the Track Type, this should be left as "Page View", but under "Google Analytics Settings" choose New Variable.

The Google Analytics variable can be found in Google Analytics itself, by going to the admin section, then under the middle column follow: Property > Tracking Info > Tracking Code. The part needed for this is the "Tracking ID"

The UA-XXXXXXXX-YY ID is specific to your reporting database, this will ensure your data is collected in your reports.

Copy the Tracking ID into the Tracking ID box in Google Tag Manager.

Add the trigger "All Pages" this will mean the tag will be pushed to every page and will collect data for all pages.

Once this is set up, click save and in the main area click "submit" in the top right corner. This will push your Google Analytics tag to the website.

Now sit back and wait, it can take some time for the data to start collecting, or you can test the website yourself by following Nimbus Analytics How to test your Tags page.

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